In a large bowl put the sourdough made from the previous day, the salt and add a little lukewarm water until the sourdough is melted.
Then add the flour and shape it until the dough becomes fluffy.
Let it half an hour to rest.
It is important to place the dough on a surface in such a shape, so that it can be cut into vertically large pieces, which will be pulled in such a way as to create an opening at the center.
For the filling, finely chop the ingredients and add them either individually or all together in the center of the dough.
Fold the pies and fry them in hot oil for 10 minutes until they brown on both sides.
It is important to mention that for the traditional pies ”Travichtes” with OLYMPOS feta cheese, crush the feta cheese with a fork and pour a 35% OLYMPUS heavy cream for even richer flavor.
If you want to taste the pies in their sweet version, fry them without filling and add honey, cinnamon or any other ingredients of your choice.
Vegan Spinach and Cheese Mini Pies with Homemade Easy Airy Phyllo Dough